
Hong Kong Wine and Dine Festival 2011香港美酒佳餚巡禮

$200 for a classic wine pass, it consists of 10 wine tokens for wine tasting at any wine booths at the venue (except the Grand Tasting Pavilion) and a few gift tokens for free sampling of delicacies or drinks offered by the sponsors. A Stölzle wine glass with a glass pouch will be provided.



When we arrived...

people is everywhere and the sky is not clear :(
At the beginning, I thought this West Kowloon Waterfront Promenade is a huge place, there are some booths for selling wines, food which is situated on an appointed selling area, besides those area is a piece of grassland, a relaxing place.  I can take a walk with my beloved one, enjoying wines and sitting on the grass to have sunbath, that's the perfect way to enjoy life.  :D

What did we do when Mr. Sunshine was still working hard?

Bye Bye Mr. Sunshine, but we're still having fun, we don't wanna go home yet :P


Oh no, it's 2230. Time to back home. Am I drunk?  So much illusion, sparkling, twinkle twinkle little stars.....so fantasy!


吃小人國的點心 ------ 盅源

30/7/2012更新: 此店已結業


你睇到嗎? 你感覺到嗎?  小人國就在眼前 :o

 快d嚟飲啖茶, 食個包啦~~  秘密入口就睇吓大家嘅緣分

 (註:  食物未必啱每個人嘅胃口, 不過勝在午餐晚餐汽水、熱茶任飲, 24小時都營業等你, 聽聞有wifi 供客人使用)

唔好問我入口喺邊度, 我唔會答嫁  :P
 深水埗青山道60號號興業大廈地下B號舖  TEL: 2361 3223

 不如睇清楚d盅源小人國點心先啦  :)


 平均消費: $40以下


My first Sponsored Child 第一個助養的孩子

Here it is, I finally received the letter from World Vision Hong Kong http://www.worldvision.org.hk/en/

I opened the envelope carefully, there was a paper-made folder and inside the folder.....

It's a boy, my sponsored child is a boy, who lives in Dhaka East, Bangladesh.  He is 6 years old and hasn't been to school yet.
I have read some informations about Dhaka from Wiki...

Dhaka had a population of over 15 million in 2010, making it the largest city in Bangladesh(also is the capital of Bangladesh). It is the nineth largest city in the world and also among the most densely populated cities in the world.

Dhaka experiences a hot, wet and humid tropical climate. The city has a distinct monsoonal season, with an annual average temperature of 27.5 °C (81.5 °F) and monthly means varying between 19.5 °C (67 °F) in January and 32 °C (90 °F) in April.  Approximately 87% of the annual average rainfall of 2,121 millimeters (83.5 in) occurs between May and October.  That's why flood situation getting worse day by day.

Dhaka has the largest number of schools, colleges and universities of any Bangladeshi city. The education system is divided into 4 levels: Primary (from grades 1 to 5), Secondary (from grades 6 to 10), Higher Secondary (from grades 11 to 12) and tertiary.  Education is mainly offered in Bangla, but English is also commonly taught and used.

Cricket and football are the two most popular sports in Dhaka and across the nation.  Teams are fielded in intra-city and national competitions by a large number of schools, colleges and private entities. The Mohammedan Sporting Club and Abahani are two of the most famous football and cricket teams, maintaining a fierce rivalry.
Become a Child Sponsor for Just HK$7 a Day, it doesn't mean MUCH but it means A LOT for someone who is suffering......DON'T THINK, DO IT!




因為奶奶的緣故, 我地可以提早玩黑色世界, 其實我真係好驚這些主題公園嘅萬聖節活動, 鬼嘛~~

包場活動所以下午四時才能入場, 不過三時四十五分左右已經可以排隊等check bag。

這就是入閘後第一個見到的萬聖節裝飾, 都唔可愛嘅 ._.

行入美國小鎮大街就見到一堆墳墓, 日光白白見到都心寒

之前停泊古典車嘅位置, 而家就泊咗駕古典棺材車, 裏面真係有副棺木嫁, 感覺好可怕呵~

城堡前面的一片圓形地, 就變成而家睇到嘅大墓園。

烈日當空下嘅城堡, 當時大約下午五時左右, 開始慢慢一步一步的接近黑夜嘅來臨......


這兒就是幻想世界裏的其中一處, 感覺良好很多!

 晚上八時, 緊張嘅心情開始了, 因為我第一次玩鬼屋...「大街詭異酒店」, 玩之前先來排隊, 嘩~都排咗幾耐......
臨排到入口處會有位黑人哥哥表演玩弄玻璃球, 我估可以等大家放鬆吓心情



